

Order Issues of Archaeology of Eastern North America ISSN: 0360-1021

PDF versions of back issues and articles will be available in April.

 Order by mail — Select issues of AENA are available in print and can be shipped with the United States.

 After three years, articles and volumes are available from JSTOR.

Manuscript Guidelines

Archaeology of Eastern North America (AENA) ISSN 0360-1021

Manuscripts for AENA should be submitted to the Editor: Arthur E. Spiess, Maine Historic Preservation Commission, State House Station 65, Augusta, Maine, 04333. Initial contact and questions can be sent to the Editor by email by using Electronic copy (Word, Wordperfect or PDF format) is encouraged for an initial submission. Graphics embedded in the text are acceptable for initial submissions.

Manuscripts will undergo peer review at the explicit request of the author(s) and at the editor's discretion, otherwise they will be reviewed by the editor. For text citations and references use American Antiquity format, but please supply first names of authors in the references if at all possible. The submission of final electronic copy should await editorial review. Again, Word or Wordperfect files are preferred. Final photograph submissions may be black and white glossy prints with good contrast (by mail), or electronic format (tiff files or highest quality jpeg files). Electronic copy of line art work may be acceptable depending on quality and format. Please number all photographs and line drawings consecutively as Figures and reference them in the text. Data tables should be numbered consecutively as Tables and referenced in the text. Graphics must be separate files for final submissions.

Copyright is held by the Eastern States Archaeological Federation. Contact the Editor for permission to reproduce material in this publication.

ESAF Bulletins

Back issues of the ESAF Bulletin are now available as pdfs. For the current year’s issue, you must be a member of ESAF. To become a member visit Membership. Click on the year for a pdf copy of the ESAF Bulletin.


History of Eastern States Archeological Federation, Lake Huron Encampment

ESAF History

History of Eastern States Archeological Federation


Choctaw Camp Membership Eastern States Archeological Federation

Member States

State archaeological societies that are members of ESAF.


Iroquois ESAF Annual Meeting


Eastern States Archeological Federation Resources & Links.


Ojibwa Canoe Contact Eastern States Archeology Federation Officers


ESAF Officers and Contact information
